The International Center for
Atresia Microtia Repair
at the California Ear Institute
The International Center for Atresia & Microtia Repair is a leading global facility for the treatment of congenital aural atresia and microtia. Dr. Joseph Roberson, a Board Certified Neurotologist, has performed over 4000 congenital aural atresia repair surgeries, as well as other types of hearing restoration procedures for children and adults. We have performed this hearing restoration surgery as early as three years of age, in cooperation with many different microtia surgeons from dozens of countries, so that hearing can be maximized during a crucial language and brain development phase occurring between three and five. Our congenital aural atresia repair techniques are compatible with all forms of outer ear reconstruction - rib graft, medpor, and prosthetics. Yearly, several conferences around the world are offered for education and personalized treatment planning.